Your Trusted Data Guardian

Secure Your Data With Server General

Welcome to Server General, where data security isn’t just a service — it’s our unwavering commitment. As your trusted data guardian, we empower organizations to navigate the complexities of compliance, encryption, and secure data operations.

Why choose us?

Empowering Secure Data Management in the Cloud

Your data is your most valuable asset. In today's digital world, protecting it from evolving threats is critical. Server General offers a comprehensive suite of data security solutions designed to empower organizations to achieve Unparalleled Security, Simplified Compliance and Streamlined Cloud Migration.

Tailored Solutions

We offer a comprehensive suite of products addressing different data security needs. Choose the solution that best fits your specific requirements.

Seamless Integration

Our solutions integrate seamlessly with your existing infrastructure and industry-leading platforms like Google Cloud and Equinix, minimizing disruption and maximizing efficiency.

Trusted Expertise

Server General is an authorized Google Assured Workloads Partner, providing you with peace of mind and access to the highest security standards!

Our Solutions

Secured Data In Any Way or Form

At Server General, we offer a suite of robust solutions designed to secure your data, streamline operations, and ensure compliance. Whether you’re using a cloud service, operating in a data center, or exploring other platforms, our products empower you to confidently safeguard your sensitive information.

  • Work Across Multi/Hybrid Clouds: Flexibility for your cloud strategy.
  • Protect Any Type of Data Sets: Versatility for diverse workloads
  • Protect Against Malicious Root Users: Security that transcends OS limitations and admin groups.
  • Encrypt Data On-Premises: Your data is armored before it even leaves your premises.

Transfer General

End-to-end solution for safe and encrypted migration, sharing and archival of any data, in any environment. Transfer your data at a link speed without compromising security and compliance.

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Secure Data Migration

Transfer General facilitates seamless data migration across cloud environments. It's a great solution for the ever-growing need of migrating from your own datacenter to the cloud or between cloud service providers.

Share Sensitive Data with Partners

Only encrypted data is shared, ensuring confidentiality. Even after sharing, you retain access control to decide who gets to keep the data.

Cost-Efficient Data Archival

Open the world of limitless backup locations and providers. With Transfer General you depend on your own security solution and policies, not the storage provider

MySQL/PostgreSQL Armored by Server General

Protected encrypted instance of the MySQL or PostgreSQL server with an option for secure and convenient backup archival.

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Transparent Encryption

Encrypt your databases at the file-system level with zero downtime, seamlessly integrating into your production environments.

Secure Archival

Efficiently backup and archive data in Google Cloud Storage Buckets, optimizing costs while adhering to your own security policies.

Controls In Your Hands

Keep full control over data encryption keys and access throughout every stage of data transfer.
Compliance and Regulatory Benefits

Building Compliance on a Solid Foundation

In the digital era, where data breaches are a question of 'when,' not 'if,' Server General serves as your bastion of defense. Our suite of security solutions is meticulously designed to safeguard data confidentiality, integrity, and availability, making compliance not just a goal, but a continuous reality. 

Our products are crafted to be a convenient tool that empowers you on your compliance journey, helping you achieve certifications such as PCI DSS, HIPAA, GDPR, and more.

Data Encryption Throughout the Journey

Our products safeguard your data at rest and in transit with industry-leading encryption algorithms, minimizing the risk of breaches and unauthorized access. This is critical for organizations in highly regulated industries.

Security-First Architecture

Our solutions, including MySQL Armored by SG, PostgreSQL Armored by SG, and Transfer General, are built with robust security features that directly address key compliance requirements

Integration with Google Cloud's Assured Workloads Environment

As an authorized Google Cloud Ready Regulated Sovereignty Solution provider, we offer seamless integration with Google Cloud's pre-configured, compliant cloud environment. This streamlines your compliance efforts and ensures your data adheres to the strictest security standards.

Achieve Regulatory Compliance With the Help of Our Solutions

Unleash Secure and High-Speed Cloud Data Migration with Server General, Equinix, and Google Cloud

Migrating your data to the cloud unlocks a wealth of benefits, but the process requires careful planning, especially regarding data security. A data breach during migration can be devastating, so prioritizing robust security measures is crucial. This video webinar explores the importance of data security during migration and the advantages offered by Transfer General.


Contact Us To Begin Your Secure Data Journey

Have questions or need assistance? Reach out to us — we’re here to help! Click the button below to get in touch and discuss a solution that suits your business requirements for data protection.